…because the characters cared, so did the audiences, sometimes to the point of tears.
…because the characters cared, so did the audiences, sometimes to the point of tears.
I remember, in that circle, one vet, whose injuries required that he lay face down on a gurney, stretching his arms up behind him as high as they would go, his hands clasped to friends on either side who lowered their arms enough to keep the chain linked.
With all the various links in place, we’re all going forward giving proper attribution to NTOW whenever we produce the show. This is how it’s supposed to work.
I have three shows coming up that are all kickass.
On to Day 2, and hopefully wrapping this whole thing up. Got to the theater a couple minutes late again on Saturday, this time with costume pile left in the car (still in the car, actually; I need to clean… Read More »The inspiration of festivals (Part 3)
Okay, onto the festival itself. Whew. It’s hard to imagine how 14/48 could have done more to have targeted my own personal desires better. Thursday night, 7:30, the participants gathered to drink, hear the rules, how things work, and select… Read More »The inspiration of festivals (Part 2)
So I’ve had almost a week now to recover from performing in 14/48 this past weekend. “Recover” is an important word here, and has applied to all of my best festival experiences. The best have been unbelievably taxing on the… Read More »The inspiration of festivals (Part 1)