Hope to be around more this year
Hoping to get back in the habit of writing again this year.
Hoping to get back in the habit of writing again this year.
Go. Play. With everything. It all matters.
I don’t know what’s in the water in Seattle lately, but it seems that a fair number of people are strapping their improv nerd hats on more tightly.
I have three shows coming up that are all kickass.
In improv, in writing, in life… a reminder to myself.
Still busy, busy, busy.
Taking charge from the outset sets an energy that everyone else can feed on. It makes for an environment in which people spend more time playing and less time discussing how to play.
You’re the asshole. Susan Messing’s quote is one I have to keep bringing back to the forefront of my mind as I grapple with the ways in which I want to improve in my improv. While focusing so intently on… Read More »If you don’t have fun…
When I started doing improv again in 2009, I said “yes” to everything: every open play time, any class, any performance (although those didn’t come right away). I continued to say “yes” to every invitation for two years, especially to… Read More »10,000 hours?!
So I’ve had almost a week now to recover from performing in 14/48 this past weekend. “Recover” is an important word here, and has applied to all of my best festival experiences. The best have been unbelievably taxing on the… Read More »The inspiration of festivals (Part 1)